è quasi impossibile visto che l’arte è sempre ego. La biografia è: io sono..io…” BEN, 1970.
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mercoledì 16 dicembre 2015
è quasi impossibile visto che l’arte è sempre ego. La biografia è: io sono..io…” BEN, 1970.
Ben Vautier, 80 ans., 2015
Ben Vautier, 80 ans. (Versione corta), 2015
https://youtu.be/1PdVcb_zF34 durata 4:53
Ben Vautier a 80 ans. Interview anniversaire de
Jean Ferrero, , 2015 https://youtu.be/dHO7d7Zaq6Y durata 11:10
Ben Vautier musée Tinguely, 2015
https://youtu.be/hqY2hm1y5fM durata 1:09
Les Limites de La Vérité - Fondation du Doute –
Blois, 2015
https://youtu.be/EKJBmAnUeqE durata
https://youtu.be/j3cI5KO8wlE durata 20:06
L'artiste Ben expose à la galerie Marlborough, 2013
https://youtu.be/MOhAqFS2krE durata
à la maison de Ben, 2013
https://youtu.be/RNctReOmNt8 durata
Rencontre avec Artist Ben Vautier, 2012
https://youtu.be/zAwEU8v6ajg durata
VAUTIER at Vicky David Gallery - New York City, 2012
Les entretiens de Mirabelle - "Recontre avec
BEN", 2012
https://youtu.be/BHk-_lwtGGY durata
Rencontre avec Artist Ben Vautier, 2012
https://youtu.be/zAwEU8v6ajg durata 6:54
Ben fait son cinéma.mp4, 2012
Ben Vautier & Latex au M.A.C. de Lyon, 2010
Ben Vautier-Galerie Obadia-Bruxelles.mp4, 2010
https://youtu.be/9Y9xLy58wZM durata 10:00
Vautier - Some Ideas For Fluxus, 2010
https://youtu.be/4y3rukK7BQM durata 1:26
Ben Vautier a Lione, 2010
https://youtu.be/-NN1FhqLxFo durata
Artnet.fr : La première fois de Ben Vautier, 2009
Ben Vautier, 2009
https://youtu.be/Kl2DtaKdEoI durata 6:46
ben vautier blois, 2008
https://youtu.be/IuUXFRW_A_4 durata 1,36
decptacon le tigre, 2008
https://youtu.be/YTfJFDo38dc durata 3:04
Ben Vautier - J'aime rire, 2008
https://youtu.be/av2D1CjBjJU durata 8:26
Le Bizart Baz'art de Ben, 2008
https://youtu.be/ZDSJxeHmFGs durata 2:28
Sur Ben (extracts), 2007
https://youtu.be/tB4ueaZBVuo durata:
Nice: Ben Vautier, 2007
https://youtu.be/9pb_ZG64k5M durata 3:34
La Rue Ketanou - Ben Vautier, 2007
https://youtu.be/BAhXoPtLaDA durata 2:29
sur Ben (extracts), Part 2, 2007
https://youtu.be/vgCi9KeB9QQ durata 9:54
: Performance de Ben, Musée Benaki Athènes, 2007
BEN Vautier au lit à l'hôtel la Louisiane, 2007
Benjamin Vautier (Ben), 2001
https://youtu.be/rM4SD-tJdQ8 durata 8:31
Limits of Art by Ben Vautier, 1993
https://youtu.be/p3zKKXDPt6Y durata
Limits of Art lecture by Ben Vautier (full version), Budapest, 1993
https://youtu.be/SN9P9xNL-4M durata 1:26:40
Guest: Ben Vautier (2/2),1993
https://youtu.be/2HJbw1hHfEA durata
Vautier - I Will be Back in Ten Minutes, 1963
https://youtu.be/QaT5_Zu1kvA durata
giovedì 3 settembre 2015
born in 1948, Osaka, Japan, is a Mail Artist. The family name is Kouen but on the advice of Byron Black, adopted the English name 'Cohen' as ebraico.Cohen discovered in mail art in Canada. Ryosuke is the son of a well-known writer of haiku in Japan, Jyunichi Koen. Early work by Cohen is the result of a mixture of tradition and imagination Japanese numbers and contemporary icons as it is his signature, the letter "C". He shared the experience Dada and Fluxus and was in touch with the artist Shozo Shimamoto and with members of the Gutai group sharing spontaneously and naturally a new way of making contemporary art. Ryosuke is not the first artist Japanese post, but it certainly is the longest in the Japanese author international network after Ray Johnson and William Achilles Cavellini even Ryosuke Cohen puts again in game cards of the trial, in a culture that prefers old-fashioned the work created specifically to be marketed. It does so by proposing a particular project his "Brian Cell" (Brain Cell), it started in June 1985 with thousands of members in over 80 countries. a job that collects every 10 days the images of many mail artists on one page by attaching a list of addresses of contributors from some fifteen countries for work. which she saw him involved for 30 long years with thousands of members in over 80 countries, rejecting the work unique and usual concepts like originality and then, preferring to play more, research and concrete freedom the artist deliberately located on the edge of a cultural traditionalist. An important project still active that welcomes every 10 days the images of many mail artists on one page by attaching a list of addresses of employees from certain countries (fifteen for work). To this way of doing, he is perhaps the most interesting and active in the network than anyone to the organizational capacity of the project and dissemination of Mail Art. In August 2001 he started the project "Fractal Portrait", doing portraits and Silhouette of body to his artist friends on the occasion of the Meeting held in various parts of the world; United States, Canada, England, Ireland, Spain, Yugoslavia, Germany, Holland, Korea, Italy and France. Cohen is the contemporary artist who is no longer the one who produces a work of art according to old ideas classicist tradition, but he serves as a mediator and intermediary between the realization of a project idea (his) and those participating in the project. Practically, he is the organizer of a "do" becoming director of a provisional intervention, which stems from the contribution of others and materializes together in collective cooperation in which everyone can participate and be positively and passionately involved in creating the work. In thirty years of work he has solo shows and participation in projects that are in different world regions. His works are in many public libraries and in many private archives.
Lives and works in Yagumokitacho Moriguchi, Osaka City.
Il CorrieredelWeb.it è un periodico telematico nato sul finire dell’Anno Duemila su iniziativa di Andrea Pietrarota, sociologo della comunicazione, public reporter e giornalista pubblicista, insignito dell’onorificenza del titolo di Cavaliere al merito della Repubblica Italiana.
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