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giovedì 8 ottobre 2015

Vernissage Henk Helmantel, October 15th at 6 pm

Vernissage Henk Helmantel
15th of October 2015 at 6 pm
Henk Helmantel - Still life with fruit and bread on a blue background, oil on panel, 122 x 200 cm
Henk Helmantel
A Contemporary Old Master

Swiss Debut for realist Dutch Painter

16th October 2015 - 27th February 2016

Cocktail Opening Party
October 15th 2015, 6 pm
in the presence of the artist

Official opening by
H.E. Anne Luwema, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Carlo Sommaruga, National Councillor, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee

Artvera's Gallery in collaboration with Collectie Harms Rolde & Kunstzalen A. Vecht is pleased to invite you to its forthcoming exhibition Henk Helmantel: A Contemporary Old Master. Exhibiting for the very first time in Switzerland, celebrated Dutch artist Henk Helmantel will be showcasing a series of exquisitely executed still lifes, intimate table and interior scenes of medieval churches and monasteries. The exhibition will shed light on the development of the artist's career showing very early paintings from 1969 up until today.

To highlight Helmantels sources of inspiration, the gallery will present a selection of works of Dutch Old Master paintings from Jacques de Claeuw, Jacob Foppens van Es, Hans van Sant, Willem Claeszoon Heda and Hubert van Ravesteyn.

With his unique combination of modern and traditional techniques, he receives much international attention, and Helmantel's debut exhibition in Switzerland at Artvera's Gallery is sure to engage viewers and collectors alike.

Galerie Artvera's
Rue Etienne-Dumont 1
1204 Geneva, Switzerland
+41 (0)22 311 05 53
Monday to Friday 9:30 - 18:00 /
Saturday 11:00 - 17h:00

"His works always involve a degree of randomness and a lack of constraint, or fantasy and dynamics, that propel you hungrily on towards the next artwork."
Diederik Kraaijpoel, Helmantel's out of the Ordinary Ordinariness.
"Where we might expect to see a 17th century painting, we actually feel the spirit of the present."
Drs. Harry Tupan,
Drents Museum Assen / Pays-Bas,
Henk Herlmantel, A Modern Traditionalist.
" La composition n'est après tout qu'une manière mystérieusement satisfaisante de mettre ou de retrouver de l'ordre dans le chaos; et du mystère à la mystique il n'y a qu'un pas. Les peintures de Helmantel sont sans doute - aussi - des prières."
Philippe Boyer, Henk Helmantel un si étrange contemporain,
Artpassions, N°43, septembre 2015.

The exhibition catalogue,
Henk Helmantel A Contemporary Old Master. A legacy, a century, a genius,
with essays by Drs. Harry Tupan, Diederik Kraaijpoel, Babs Helmantel, Marika Meijer
and an interview by Hans van Seventer
will be available at the gallery.

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