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venerdì 2 ottobre 2015

Collezione Maramotti | new exhibitions Silent Sticks | Industriale immaginario

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Corin Sworn | Silent Sticks
Industriale immaginario

from 4 October 2015

Collezione Maramotti is pleased to announce two new upcoming exhibitions, Silent Sticks by Corin Sworn and Industriale immaginario, both opening at the Collection on 4 October.

Corin Sworn, winner of the fifth edition of Max Mara Art Prize for Women, in collaboration with Whitechapel Gallery, presents her large installation Silent Sticks at Collezione Maramotti, where it will enter its permanent collection, after being shown at Whitechapel Gallery, London.
Continuing her artistic research weaving history, memories and fragments of true or imagined tales, in this new work Corin Sworn has drawn inspiration from the characters and stories of Commedia dell’Arte, a form of improvisational theatre developed in the 16th century in Italy where it continues to play an important cultural role even today.
The work is the result of the artist's residency in Italy in 2014, when Sworn explored in depth the culture of Rome, Naples and Venice, studying traditional stage plays and meeting actors and experts of Commedia dell’Arte.
Sworn is interested in the idea of mistaken identities and the frequent recourse to this literary device in the stage productions of Commedia dell’Arte: the first players and characters with radically different appearances (a woman passing as a man, a master dressed as his servant or a nobleman with the look of a beggar) toyed with the perception of strictness linked to rank and social standing, and represented the anxieties derived from the instability characterising society at the time, by winking at liberty and social mobility. Inspired by these ideas, Silent Sticks reworks the story of a famous case of imposture in the 16th century and is set like a stage scene with props, costumes, sound and video elements. In particular the costumes designed by the artist who researched many historical and iconographic sources and found inspiration in the text Il teatro delle favole rappresentative by Flaminio Scala, were hand-made in collaboration with a team of designers and artisans from Max Mara.

Download the press kit of Silent Sticks

The group exhibition Industriale immaginario presents works 1958-2013 from Collezione Maramotti which have never been shown before, some belonging to the Collection's first historical group of acquisitions, while others have been recently bought or are commissioned works.
The works have been chosen in order to probe and illustrate some of the research in contemporary art that is explored through the use of typical industrial materials, the re-use of objects of industrial origin de-contextualized from their primary function, at the boundary between artisanal handiwork and industrial product in the creating process.
The formal outcome, the language codes and the artists' statements are very articulated: from research intimately linked to the definition of individual and collective memory, to political and social thinking on the processing and use of information, from life cycle of objects and perishability, to the search for the representation of reality and its perception between natural and artificial, to achieve together the polysemy of the work.
On show works by: Vincenzo Agnetti, Elisabetta Benassi, Wim Delvoye, Lara Favaretto, Paolo Grassino, Gregory Green, Peter Halley, Kent Henricksen, Matthew Day Jackson, Kaarina Kaikkonen, Krištof Kintera, Annette Lemieux, Nuvolo, Carl Ostendarp, Laure Prouvost, Tom Sachs, Vincent Szarek, Andrea Zittel.

Corin Sworn | Silent Sticks: 4 October 2015 – 28 February 2016
Industriale immaginario: from 4 October 2015

The exhibitions can be visited free of charge during the opening hours of the permanent collection.

Thursday and Friday 2.30pm – 6.30pm
Saturday and Sunday 10.30am – 6.30pm
Closed: 1 November, 25-26 December, 1 and 6 January

Collezione Maramotti
Via Fratelli Cervi 66, Reggio Emilia - Italy
Ph. +39 0522 382484

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