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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Angela Eupani. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Angela Eupani. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 19 aprile 2017

Torna a Belgioioso la mostra mercato vintage indoor più importante d'Europa

Next Vintage Show at the Castle Belgioioso 

The most important indoor Vintage Show of Europe will soon be back in Belgioioso (Pavia, Italy)

April 22-25 2017

There was a time when creativity was free, intense, experimental and daring...
Remember the Eighties? Glamourous and eccentric, that decade, between probable and unprobable trends, was prizing for those that really wanted to blow their mind, art and creativity even until the extreme consequences of not being totally shared or comprehended. Anyway, fashion designers but also the consumers had more opportunities to express their own individuality and a lively creativity.

Let you be inspired by the next Spring edition of Next Vintage, a market and exhibition "sui generis" where more than 70 qualified dealers/exhibitors will be happy to once again to surprise and delight even the most demanding tastes on period fashion and accessories.

My friend Angela Eupani of the Vintage Workshop® cultural association, dept. research accessories brand "Sculture da Indossare" (Sculptures to Wear) will hold her 24th participation in her huge stand to be discovered and hunted at the ground floor, right inside corridor, booth n.12 of the well known castle Belgioioso, located in the neighborhood of Pavia, at the North-west of Italy, very easy to be reached via highway.

Angela and her team will be happy to show their accessories, among which: period shoes, purses, handbags, belts, little fancy leather items and costume jewelry for women, men and also teens.

Inside and outside their booth, as usually Sculptures to Wear will put on display at some giants panels their proposals of moods and inspirations that, in this edition, will be much centered on the keyword maximalism: therefore, maximum colour, expressivity in shapes, manufactoring, textures, materials, for unmissable one-of-a-kind accessories, many of which are unusual, rare or also unique.

Renewed also the co-operation with the danish artist Jacob Sibbern whose whimsical artworks will be integral part of the trends panels, together with some very expressionist accessories collected and presented by Angela with a portion of her research collection in progress that, more than 15 years ago, she successfully conceived as her "Sculptures to Wear".

Even the combinations of black & whites won't miss,especially in fresh unpublished vintage patterns of great optical impact (see photos below).
Collateral exhibition in the main lobby of the Castle will be entitled "Cappelli che passione / Hat passion": a rite of seduction, conceived and presented by the journalist, stylist and collector Cristina Nava (see portrait photo below).

And here you are with an appetizing gallery of pictures as an anticipation on what I hope you will have a chance to personally watch (and buy) at the Next Vintage Show, from April 22 through to 25 2017, Opening times: 10/20 non-stop.

Entrance Tickets: 10€ (reduced to 7 for kids under 12 and seniors over 60).
Official web site:  

Organizers: Ph.+39-0382-970525 (ref. Gloria Spaini + Michele Bolzoni). 
Attention: free entrance tickets offered by Sculture da Indossare: sms texting Angela Eupani your name in full and foreseen date of arrival to the handy phone n. : +39-339-6729704 (please, don't call, if you seriously want your complimentary entrance ticket just text with the info requested above and you will find yours in an envelope with your name at the ticket counter of the castle just mentioning the brand "Sculture da Indossare", and, of course, your name).

Last but not least: In this stand, some t-shirts with a great litographic print of some artworks by J.Sibbern will be exhibited and feasible to be booked with your desired size and rapidly deliverable upon postal shipping: join the great opportunity to reserve your "wearable art t-shirts" !!

Photos: courtesy by Angela Eupani, Sculture da Indossare, Jacob Sibbern, Andrea Lavaria and the Belgioioso Castle show organizers.

©Sculptures to Wear by Angela Eupani
Handbags, cluthes and accessories by Sculture da Indossare

The 3 XXX by Jacob Sibbern ©2017

Costume bakelite and lucite jewels by Sculture da Indossare

art by Jacob Sibbern
Fujirama by Jacob Sibbern ©2017

Ph. by Andrea Lavaria ©2016
Period hats at the Belgioioso Show

Art by Jacob Sibbern ©2017
Art by Jacob Sibbern ©2017

Mr. Black & White by artist #JacobSibbern, whose art t-shirts will be bookable
at the stand "Sculture da Indossare" at the Next Vintage Show in Belgioioso.

Ph. by Andrea Lavaria ©2016
ph. by Angela Eupani #Eupani
accessories by Sculptures to Wear, on show at Next Vintage Belgioioso



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