Francesco Visalli
6 August - 10 September 2011
Chiostro del Bramante – Rome
Exhibition opens Friday 5 August at 7pm
The “Francesco Visalli – Realtà Alternativa” (Alternative Realities) exhibition is to be unveiled at the Chiostro del Bramante on Friday 5 August and will be open to the public every day, except Mondays, from 11am to 8pm until 10 September 2011.
The exhibition curated by Giovanni Faccenda, with the collaboration of Giulia Leporatti, through a project by Uros Gorgone, and supported by the b-ad> communications agency , will be sponsored by the Presidency of the Lazio Region, the Province of Rome, Roma Capitale and the Banca Marche. The catalogue is published by the Giorgio Mondadori Publishing Group.
Approximately 30 medium and large-sized oils on canvas will go on display. In these Visalli “is a visionary painter, who loves to enrich each work with an arcane, existential tone mixed with distinct flavours. The sweet and the sour combine to create a continual sense of displacement in onlookers who are amazed and fascinated.” (G. Faccenda).
An eclectic and self-taught artist, Visalli began painting in 2009 after a long career as an architect and a troubled inner journey that led him, by chance, to art, in which he found the source of his rebirth.
He has developed a personal, instantly recognisable style in which the figures are always typified by well-defined geometrical forms. “Even if we look back, with our memories, over the last century of art, there is no well-founded lineage to be found. The fertile seeds of a surrealist season converge naturally into a creative niche that is characterised by a clear, image-creating ability, deservedly visited by Visalli in just the right way, without, that is, those cloying, at times even symmetrical adhesions, that lead towards the dangerous precipice of eponymy.” (G. Faccenda).
In his always highly coloured canvases, scenes of daily life alternate with others in which the artist makes room for landscapes from an alternative reality, an “iconographic mirage which appears even therapeutic - manifested in the wealth of transfigured symbols, of scenes inhabited by legends and archetypes and an aura added in order to pacify intimate restlessness or rekindle dreamt-of abandonments.” (G. Faccenda).
The personal exhibition “Realta Alternativa” (Alternative Reality)
by the artist Francesco Visalli, who returns to his own city after
having enjoyed great success in London and Berlin, can be seen
in the splendid setting of the Bramante cloister, just a short walk
from Piazza Navona.
Nella splendida cornice del Chiostro del Bramante, a due passi
da Piazza Navona, e possibile visitare la mostra personale
“Realta Alternativa” dell’artista Francesco Visalli che ritorna nella
sua citta dopo i grandi successi ottenuti a Londra e a Berlino.
アーティスト、フランチェスコ・ヴィ ザッリ氏の個展“Realtà Alternativa~代替現実~”をご鑑賞ください。ロンドンとベルリンで大成功を収め
En el esplendido marco del Claustro de Bramante, a dos pasos
de Piazza Navona, se puede visitar la exposicion personal
“Realta Alternativa” del artista Francesco Visalli, que vuelve
a su ciudad tras los grandes exitos cosechados en Londres y Berlin.
Dans le splendide decor du Cloitre de Bramante, a proximite de
la Piazza Navona, vous pourrez visiter l’exposition personnelle
“ Realta Alternativa ” de l’artiste Francesco Visalli qui revient dans
sa ville apres les grands succes qu'il a remportes a Londres et a Berlin.
В двух шагах от площади Навона в великолепном выставочном
зале Кьостро дель Браманте (Chiostro del Bramante) можно посетить
выставку “Альтернативная реальность” Франческо Визали, который
возвраща- ется в родной город после ошеломительного успеха в
Лондоне и Берлине.
Im Rahmen des prachtigen Chiostro del Bramante, nur wenige Meter
von der Piazza Navona entfernt, kann jetzt die Personalausstellung
„Realta Alternativa“ (Alternative Realitat) des Kunstlers Francesco Visalli
besucht werden, der nach seinen grosen Erfolgen in London und Berlin
in seine Stadt zuruckgekehrt ist.
回到本城,將在距離Piazza Navona廣場不遠處的Chiostro del Bramante